The Interpreters Section in the Southern District of California exists and functions pursuant to the mandate of the Court Interpreters Act (Title 28, U.S.C. § 1827.) The Interpreters Section is currently staffed by 14 federally certified interpreters. It is responsible for obtaining the services of qualified interpreters in all languages needed in our Courts.
For inquiries regarding interpreter needs please contact Gloria Mayne, Manager of Interpreter Services, at (619) 557-5205 or
- Aspiring Interpreters
- Contract Interpreters
- Attorney Resources
Forms for Contract Interpreters
Forms for Contract Interpreters
Forms for Contract Interpreters
If you have been contacted by the Interpreters Section and will be coming to our Courts for the first time, you will need to fill out the documents below in preparation for your meeting and first assignment
Protecting Privilege: Using Interpreters Responsibly
Protecting Privilege: Using Interpreters Responsibly
Protecting Privilege: Using Interpreters Responsibly
Communications between the Interpreter and the client are privileged if the Interpreter is acting as the agent of an attorney.
United States v. Kovel is the bedrock federal decision concerning the use of third parties to facilitate privileged attorney-client communications. In Kovel, the court found that the accountant’s presence in the communication did not cause a privilege waiver because the accountant’s role was primarily to facilitate the attorney-client communication, rather than provide accounting (or translation) services for other reasons. Most federal circuits follow the Kovel directive, including the District of Columbia and fourth circuit.
Many states have enacted statutes and ethics cannons that expressly recognize the applicability of the attorney-client privilege when an interpreter facilitates confidential communication between lawyer and client. These jurisdictions also require attorneys to properly train and monitor their paraprofessionals, including independent contractors. These ethical obligations strongly place primary responsibility for preserving privilege and communicating effectively on the attorney and interpreter.