Court Forms

Here you will find court forms that are commonly used in the Southern District Court of California. All court forms can be viewed or searched by keyword or category.

Post Judgment Forms

  Abstract of Judgment
Abstract of Judgment
Abstract of Judgment

Abstract of Judgment - No fee required.
Two documents are required: (1) Praecipe and (2) Abstract of Judgment. Note: A Praecipe must accompany each abstract of judgment. The Clerk's Office requires one original and one copy for the Judge. If you would like a conformed copy sent to you, please include one extra paper copy with self-addressed stamped envelope (packaging).

Bring all documents in person to the Clerk's Office, 333 West Broadway, Room 420, San Diego, CA 92101 - Attention: Intake

Or send all documents via U. S. Mail or overnight delivery service; include self-addressed stamped envelope / packaging.

Or E-file Praecipe in NextGen CM/ECF. Here's the NextGen CM/ECF navigation path: Civil Events → Other Filings → Notices → Praecipe.

Then, E-mail the completed Abstract of Judgment and praecipe to: The Clerk's Office will issue the abstract of judgment and send it back to you via U. S. Mail.

Important Note: On the completed abstract of judgment you would like issued, the dollar amount must be the exact amount on the Judgment docketed in NextGen CM/ECF (official court docket), or the abstract cannot be issued.
  Bill of Costs
Bill of Costs
Bill of Costs
Bill of Costs Filer must obtain hearing date and time from
  Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Sentence
Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Sentence
Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Sentence
Reference FRCvP 28:2255​
  Notice of Appeal
Notice of Appeal
Notice of Appeal
$505 filing fee
  Transcript Designation and Ordering Form
Transcript Designation and Ordering Form
Transcript Designation and Ordering Form