Court Info FAQs

Bail/Bond Posting FAQs

  • Can I write a personal check to post bail?
  • What are the requirements for posting a corporate surety bond?
  • Where may I post a cash bail?
No personal checks will be accepted to post bail. Instead of cash, it is strongly recommended that cashier's checks and money orders be used for posting a cash bail.
In order for a corporate surety bond to be accepted, the issuing agent (employee of a local bonding company) must have authority to act on behalf of the bond underwriting company (national insurance company). The authority is accomplished by means of a power of attorney.

Powers of attorney (and therefore corporate surety bonds) are accepted only from underwriters who hold certificates of authority as acceptable sureties. The Fiscal Service of the Department of the Treasury publishes a list of the underwriters known as the Circular 570.

A local issuing agent can file an original power of attorney with the Clerk's Office, indicating the aforementioned information. The fee for such a filing is $52 per person (issuing agent) per company (underwriter). For example, if one (1) issuing agent is filing one (1) power of attorney for one (1) underwriter, the fee is $52. If three (3) issuing agents are filing one (1) power of attorney for one (1) underwriter, the fee is $156.
​All cash bail transactions are handled at the Cashier's Window, Room 420, 333 West Broadway San Diego, CA.

Cashiers FAQs

  • Can I make payment to the court with a credit card?
  • How do I get my property back from the court?
  • What are the hours for the cashier's window?
  • Where can I obtain a fee schedule?
  • Where can I obtain the U.S. Treasury (T-Bill) rate?
  • Where do I go to check the balance of my fine, restitution, or penalty assessment?
  • Where do I pay my court ordered fines, restitution and penalty assessments?
  • Where do I pay my traffic fines or check on my traffic court date?
  • Where is the Cashier's Window located?
​Yes, VISA and Mastercard are accepted.
Passports, vehicle "pink-slips", cash bail, real property (houses), and personal property (jewelry, etc) may be reconveyed only by a court order. You may obtain a sample order at the Cashier's Window, Room 420, 333 West Broadway, San Diego, CA. Additional answers may be obtained from the Collateral Property Clerk at (619) 557-6366.
The cashiers' window is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
​The fee schedule can be viewed on-line. If you prefer, both the Cashier's Window and Intake Counter can provide a fee schedule in Room 420, 333 West Broadway, San Diego, CA.
​Post-judgment interest rates can be found at
​The U.S. Attorney's Financial Collections Unit maintains the payment history of fines, restitution and penalty assessments made to this Court. Please call 619/557-5977 for specific details.
​Payment may be mailed directly to:

Office of the Clerk
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
Financial Department
333 West Broadway, Room 420
San Diego, CA 92101

Customers may also pay in person at the Cashier's Window.
​For information on Federal Traffic Citations, payment, or court dates, please call the Center Violations Bureau at 1/800/827-2982.
​The Cashier's windows is located in the Clerk's Office, Suite 420, 333 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101-8900

Clerk's Office FAQs

  • How can I learn more about issues applicable to attorneys, including Criminal Justice Act (CJA) issues?
  • What are your hours?
  • What is your address?
  • What should I do if I need assistance in court due to a communications disability?
​Visit our web page dedicated to questions frequently asked questions by attorneys.
Filings are accepted 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The drop box is open from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Documents dropped will be filed the same day.

The file review department closes at 4:00 p.m.; however, files can be accessed electronically in the Clerk' s Office lobby until 4:30p.m. Dockets and images of filed documents are also available on-line for registered PACER users at CM/ECF PACER.
Office of the Clerk
U.S. District Court
Southern District of California
333 West Broadway, Suite 420
San Diego, CA 92101-8900
​If you are a party, witness or attorney and need a personal listening device, contact the courtroom deputy before your court hearing. If you need sign language interpreting or other aids, forms are available in the Clerk's Office and online within General Order 442-A. The form must be completed and returned to the Clerk's Office at least ten days prior to the hearing.

Interpreters FAQs

  • Are there certification exams for languages other than Spanish?
  • Do I need a specific degree in order to be a federal court interpreter?
  • How can I become certified as a court interpreter?
  • How can I obtain an application for the exam?
  • How often is the exam given?
  • Is there a fee for the exam?
  • What career opportunities are available to a certified interpreter?
  • What skills are needed to become an interpreter in the federal courts?
​Yes, there are currently certification examinations for Navajo and Haitian Creole, in addition to Spanish.
​No specific degree is required to be an interpreter. However, since an extensive vocabulary encompassing all registers in two languages is essential, a four-year college degree or equivalent level of education is helpful in order to achieve success as an interpreter.
​By passing the certification examination administered nationwide by the National Center for State Courts and its partners, Cooperative Personnel Services and Second Language Testing. Visit the Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination Program web site for more information. To get on the mailing list for test information, call 916/263-3494 or email at
​Contact the National Center for State Courts and its partners, Cooperative Personnel Services and Second Language Testing. Visit the Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination Program web site for more information. To get on the mailing list for test information, call 916/263-3494 or email at
​About every two years.
Yes, there are separate fees for the written and oral parts of the examination.
Once a person is certified as a federal court interpreter, he or she is authorized to work in any of the United States District Courts throughout the nation. These courts employ staff and per diem interpreters. Staff interpreter positions are not open on a regular basis, but the need for per diem interpreters has continued to increase over the years.
​Excellent bilingual skills are needed and ability to combine them with superior interpreting skills in the simultaneous, consecutive and sight translation modes. An extensive vocabulary in both the source and target languages, including slang, everyday speech, and technical words used in formal or legal speech.

Procurement FAQs

  • How long does it take to receive payment after goods or services are provided?
  • What do you mean by inside delivery?
  • Does the U.S. District Court have a tax exempt certificate number on file?
  • Who do I call when I have not received payment within a reasonable amount of time?
  • What information will I need to trace a payment?
  • What happens if a check has been issued but not received within a reasonable amount of time?
  • How do I avoid having to request a stop payment on a check?
  • What criteria does the U.S. District Court use to award solicitations?
  • What sort of goods and services does the U.S. District Court require?
​The U.S. District Court is normally able to pay invoices within one week after receiving them. Payment will only be made after the goods or services have been received.
​We mean that the product must be delivered to a specific office within either the Federal Courthouse or the Federal Building. Deliveries are currently made to the James M. Carter and Judith N. Keep U.S. Courthouse loading dock and inside delivery from the dock is required.
The Franchise Tax Board does not issue tax exemption certificate numbers to federal agencies.
​Contact the Procurement staff at either of the following numbers:

Brian Teague - 619-557-6293
Benjamin Limosnero - 619-557-7618
​You will need the purchase order number, the invoice number and the date of the invoice. You must have the purchase order number in order for us to trace the payment in our accounting system.
The U.S. District Court will put a stop payment on the check. All stop payments on U.S. Treasury checks must go through the Department of Treasury. This process is long and cumbersome. Once a stop payment has been placed, the Clerk’s Office cannot reissue a payment until we are notified by the Department of Treasury that the check has not be cashed. This process can take several months.
​Be sure that the purchase order we send you has the correct address. If the remit to address is different from the order address be sure that information is clearly noted on your invoice.
​​The criteria for the majority of the awards to vendors is the lowest price to the Federal Government. However, in some instances other performance factors may be used. If other criteria is used, it will be clearly stated in the statement of work or the request for quote.
​The U.S. District Court procures goods and services. Some examples are: technology equipment, office and business supplies, contract interpreters and court reporters, furniture, support contracts and repair/warranty services.